الجمعة، 6 يناير 2012

Just in case

In case somebody out there is wondering what is the best present they can get me, I’ll put you out of your torture and simply tell you. There is that one thing that would make me genuinely happy if you want to know the truth.

 I want someone with a brilliantly good taste in music to go through the effort of making me lists/CDS of all the beautiful music in the world. Something like the best 6383645 songs in the world, of all languages, and genres of music.

I wanna go through the process of exploring all the music there myself, I wanna fall in love with each and every song. I want to get inspired, I want them to change me.. I want to learn French for instance,  just because there was that amazing French song in one of the CDS that I loved but didn’t quite get.

I’ll take it everywhere, I’ll buy a CD player if I had to. I’d skip a first date at the last minute just to listen to the songs alone in the park with a half melted ice cream, I’ll listen to it at work, during my lunch hour, on my way home, when I'm walking, cooking, cleaning up, shitting, before I sleep and right after I wake up.

All classified and pathetically categorized.. There are gonna be morning songs, evening songs, bad hair day songs, period songs, self loathing phase songs, a baby in my stomach songs, I'm okay songs and I'll be okay songs.

I’ll eat some of the songs for dinner, they will help me get over any harsh breakups, I will play some in my wedding, and some when I 1st make love, I’ll play some for my baby every night before it even comes out to life, I’ll recommend them to people. and I’ll never cease to add more to the list.

But you …  you’ll have my eternal gratitude

هناك 4 تعليقات:

Seekinghome يقول...

I would personally recommend you check the following : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_p8MLxxuZc&ob=av2n
also you can check this one
kinda nice.

Marionette يقول...

Liked them , specially the second one. Thanks =)

Del_Abi يقول...

u made me love music than i already do :)

Marionette يقول...

Thanks a lot :)